Type Of Certification(s) | Cert No. | Date of Expiry | DW | NPW/ Aqueous | Haz Waste | Solid/Soil | Microbiology | Bioassay | Air/Filter | Tissue |
AIHA LAP,LLC | ID 232255 | 4/1/2026 | X | |||||||
CA ELAP | 1644 | 11/2/2025 | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
OR NELAP | 4033 | 1/29/2026 | X | X | X | X | ||||
PJLA DOD-ELAP | L22-757 | 1/08/2027 | X | X | X | X | ||||
USDA AHIS-soil permit | P330-17-0041 | 11/15/2026 | X | |||||||
UCMR 5 | CA00371 | 12/31/2025 | X | |||||||
Click on each hyperlink to view a specific certificate for matrices and analyte lists. |
McCampbell Analytical has full acidic herbicide capabilities using diazomethane derivitization. We have the flexibility to set-up new analytes and provide excellent analyte sensitivity, including reporting all water types at, or below, drinking water DLRs. We offer testing for acidic herbicides in drinking water, fresh & marine surface & ground water, effluent, storm water run off, waste water, soils, sludge, solids, petroleum liquids, plant & animal tissue, food, and wines, as well as other matrices not listed.
Air Matrix/ Light Gas & Methods Available From MAI | |
Analyte | Method |
Light Gases | |
Atmospheric (O2 N2 CO ± Ar) | ASTM D 1946-90 / EPA 3C by GC-PDD / TCD / RSK 175 |
Hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, ethane, acetylene, others) | ASTM D 1946-90 / EPA 3C / RSK 175 by GC-FID |
Inert (He, Ar) | ASTM D 1946-90 /EPA 3C by GC-PDD / TCD |
H2 | ASTM D 1946-90 /EPA 3C by GC-PDD / TCD |
Volatile Organics | |
VOCs ± TPH (g) | TO-15, TO-17, 8260 |
TPH (G) | EPA TO-15, TO-17, 8015M by GC-FID |
TPH (g) Fractionated | MA DEP APH by TO-15 |
Other Organics | |
Alcohols | NIOSH 1403 / 2000m by HPLC-FLD |
Formaldehyde | nIOSH 2016 / TO15m |
Glutaraldhyde | N2532 |
OP Pesticides | NIOSH 5600 by GC_NPD |
PCBs | NIOSH 5503 by GC-ECD |
Phenols | NIOSH 2546 by GC-MS-SIM |
PNAs | TO-17, NIOSH 5506 by HPLC-UV-FLD |
TPH (d) | TO-17, NIOSH 1550 by GC-FID |
Metals / Inorganics | |
Hexachrome, in particulates | NIOSH 7605 by IC-Colorimetry |
Mercury, vapor | NIOSH 6099 by CVAA or CVAF |
Metals, in particulates | NIOSH 7303 by ICP-MS |
Organic Lead (TML & TEL), vapor | NIOSH 2534m by GC-ECD |
Particulates, Respirable | NIOSH 0600 |
Particulates, Total | NIOSH N7602 |
Respirable Silica | NIOSH 0500 |
Sample Media Includes: Summa, Tedlar, Sorbent Tube, Filter | |
Note that particulate & vapor can usually be collected simultaneously with a particulate filter & ST in series |
ANION Methods Available From MAI | |
Inorganic Analytes | EPA Method |
Common Anions (Br-, CI-, F- NO3-, NO2-, PO4-3, SO4-2) | 300.0, 300.1 |
Disinfection By-products (Br-, Bro3-, CIO2-, CIO3-) | 300.0, 300.1 |
Hexachrome (CrO4-2) as Cr | 218.6, 3060A, 7199 |
Perchlorate (CIO4) | 314.0 |
Uncommon Anions (I-, IO3-, HS-, SO3-2, S2 O3-2, SCH-, + Others) | 300.1m |
Note that elements Br, I, P & S are Available by ICP-MS AS unspeciated total elements |
The McCampbell Analytical Aquatic Toxicology laboratory is fully accredited by both CA ELAP and NELAP in a wide variety of freshwater and marine bioassay test methods. We offer bioassay testing services for NPDES dischargers, stormwater dischargers, hazardous waste characterization (Title 22 CFR), TIE investigations, chemical and product registration, NRDA studies as well as customized large scale research projects tailored towards the needs of our clients.
With over 30 years of combined experience in the field of aquatic toxicology, our staff has collaborated on the best way to streamline the process of aquatic toxicity testing and developed a product which allows us to eliminate the amount of staff time spent on each test. This increase in overall efficiency allows us to reduce test costs and pass these savings along to our clients.
Environmental Chlorinated Pesticides ± PCB Methods Available From MAI | |
Analytes | EPA Methods |
Chlorinated Pesticides | 508, 608, 8081A, 8082 |
Dioxin, Dibenzofuran And PCB Congener Methods Available From MAI | |
Description | EPA Methods |
Full List Dioxins and Dibenzofurans by HRGC-HRMS | 1613 |
2,3,7,8-TCDD by HRGC-HRMS, 5.0 pg/L and 0.5 pg/g (w/s Reporting Limit) | 1613 |
Full List PCB Congeners | 1668 |
Full List Dioxins and Dibenzofurans by HRGC/HRMS | 8290 |
2,3,7,8-TCDD by HRGC-HRMS, 5.0 pg/L Water Reporting Limit and 5.0 pg/g Soil RL | 8290 |
Hydrocarbon Methods Available From MAI | |
Hydrocarbons | EPA Methods |
TPH (g /ss /pt /ms /av)-MTBE_BTEX | 8015B - 8021B |
TPH (d /mo /jf /k /bo /aromatics /aliphatics /middle distillates) | 8015B, BAAQMD 33, NIOSH 1550 |
Oil & Grease by IR Spectroscopy ± SGT (TRPOG, TRPH, O&G) | 418.1 |
Oil & Grease by Gravimetry ± SGT (TRPOG, HEM, O&G) | 1664A, 9071B |
Oil & Grease Acronyms | TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Variations |
TRPOG = Total Recoverable Petroleum Oil & Grease | AV = Aviation Gas |
TRPH = Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbon | BO = Bunker Oil |
O&G = Oil & Grease | D = Diesel |
HEM = Hexane Extractable Material | G = Gasoline |
SGT = Silica Gel Treatment | HF = Hydraulic Fluid |
TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Variations ( EPA 8015C) | JF = Jet Fuel |
MO = Motor Oil | |
MS = Mineral Spirits | |
SS = Stoddard Solvent |
Metals Methods Available From MAI | |
Analytes | Analytical Instrumentation Or Method |
Ag, AI, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, I, In, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Nb, P, Pb, Rb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ta, Ti, Tl, V, W, Zn, Zr | ICP-MS, ICP: EPA 200.7, EPA 200.8, SW6010, SW6020 |
Hg | ICP-MS, CV AAS or CV AFS : EPA 245.2, SW7470, SW7471 |
fERROUS iRON | SM 3500-Fe B4c |
Methyl Mercury | GC-AFS : EPA 1630 |
Organic Lead Total Or Speciated | 8270C Or MAI-Organic Lead |
Organic Tin, Speciated | MAI-Organic Tin |
Bacteria And Fungi Methods Available From MAI | |
Analyte | Analytical Method |
Heterotrophs, HPC (Enumeration) | Idexx SIM Plate; SM9215 C (Spread Plate); SM9215 B (Pour Plate) |
Iron & Sulfur Utilizers | SM9240 BCD ( Microscope / Culture ) |
Coliform, Total & E Coli (+/-) | SM9223 B (EST) |
Coliform, Total & E Coli (Enumeration) | SM9223 B; Idexx Colilert(EST); SM9221 B (MTF/MPN); SM9222 B (MF) |
Enterococci (Enumeration) | SM9230 B (MTF/MPN); Idexx Enterolert (EST) |
Fecal Coliform | SM9221 E (MTF/MPN); SM9222 D (MF) |
Fecal Streptococci | SM9230 B (MTF/MPN) |
Salmonella (Enumeration) | SM9260 D (Media Culture With Serological Confirmation) |
Staphylococcus Aureus | FDA BAM(Direct Spread Plate Count With Serological Confirmation) |
Legionella | SM9260 J (MF) |
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (Enumeration) | SM9213 E (MF or Direct Spread Plate Count) |
Yeast and Mold Count, Total | FDA BAM (Direct Spread Plate Count) |
Environmental N-Methylcarbamate, Phenyl Urea & Other Pesticide / Herbicde Methods Available From MAI | |
Analytes | EPA Methods |
N-Methyl Carbamates | 531.1, 531.2, 8318 |
Phenyl Ureas | 532 |
Glyphosale AMPA | 547 |
Diquat & Paraquat | 549.2 |
Acrolein & 3-HPA (3-Hydroxypropanal) | 554 |
Pyrethrins-Pyrethroids | 1660 |
Nonylphenol Dispersant | 8330m |
Environmental Acidic Herbicide Methods Available From MAI | |
Analytes | EPA Methods |
Chlorinated Acidic Herbicides | 515.1, 515.2, 515.3, 8151A |
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Environmental Pesticid, Herbicide, And PCB Methods Available From MAI | |
Analytes | EPA Methods |
Nitrogen & Phosphorous Pesticides | 507, 8141A |
N-Methyl Carbamates | 531.1, 8318 |
Phenyl Ureas | 532 |
Glyphosate ± AMPA | 547 |
Endothall | 548.1 |
Diquat & Paraquat | 549.2 |
Acrolein & 3-HPA (3-Hydroxpropanal) | 554 |
Pyrethrins-Pyrethroids | 625.1 |
Nonylphenol Dispersant | 8330 |
Chlorinated Pesticides | 508.1, 608.3, 8081A |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) | 8082 |
Chlorinated Herbicides | 515.3, 8151A |
Nitrogen & Phosphorous Containing Pesticides | 507, 8141A |
Carbamates, Phenyl Ureas, & Other Pesticides / Herbicides | 531.1, 532, 547, 548, 549.2, 1660, 8318 |
Environmental Methods For PAH/PNA By HPLC And GC-MS Available From MAI | |
Analytes | EPA Methods |
PNAs / PAHs | 550.1, 610, 8270C, 8310 |
GC-MS-MS Or LC-IT Or LC-MS-MS Methods For Environmental Contaminants | |
ASTM D7485 | LC-MS-MS for Alkylphenols in Water |
ASTM D7574 | LC-MS-MS for BisPhenol A (BPA) in Water |
ASTM D7597 | LC-MS-MS for Simple Organic Phosphates & Methylphosphonic Acids |
ASTM D7598 | LC-MS-MS for Thiodiglycol in Water |
ASTM D7599 | LC-MS-MS for Alkanolamines in Water |
ASTM D7600 | LC-MS-MS for Carbamates in Water |
GC-NCI-MS or GC-NCI-MS-MS | EPA Ombudsman Report 2006-P-00007; Toxaphene Breakdown Products |
GC-NCI-MS or GC-NCI-MS-MS | Pyrethrin Working Group; Pyrethrins in Water & Solids |
GC-MS-MS | E 1653m for Chlorinated Phenolics |
GC-MS-MS | E 8270m for Co-planar PCBs |
GC-MS-MS | E 8270m for Selected Organo-ChlorinePesticdes |
GC-MS-MS | E 8270m for PBDEs & PBBs |
GC-MS-MS | E 8270m for Selected PNAs |
LC-MS-MS | E 535 Chloroacetanilide & Acetamide Herbicides & Degradates |
LC-MS-MS | E539 for Hormones in Drinking water |
LC-MS-MS | E 6860 for Perchlorate in Water and Soil by LC-MS-MS |
LC-MS-MS | E 1694m for Thiourea in Waste Water |
LC-IT or LC-MS-MS | Diquat & Paraquat Herbicides |
LC-IT or LC-MS-MS | Glyphosate & AMPA Herbicides |
LC-IT or LC-MS-MS | E 1694 or E 536m for Selected N/P Pesticides |
LC-IT or LC-MS-MS | E 1694m for Organochlorine Herbicides |
LC-IT or LC-MS-MS | E 1694 for Selected Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals & Personal Care Products |
LC-IT or LC-MS-MS | Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) & Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) |
LC-IT or LC-MS-MS | Phenyl Urea & Carbamate Pesticides & Herbicides |
Environmental Methods For Volatiles By GC-MS And GC-ELCD/PID Available From MAI | |
Analytes | EPA Methods |
VOCs By GC-MS(Acrolein, Acrylonitrile, 2-CEVE From unspeciated Samples) | 524.2, 624, 8260D |
123-TCPA ± EDB, DBCP, 12-DCA | DWRL524m 123-TCP |
HVOCs / Aromatics By GC-ELCD/PID | 8010B, 8021B |
Water Treatment Parameters & Methods Available From MAI | |
Organic Analytes | EPA Methods |
Acrylamide | 8316 (HPLC) |
Aldehydes | 554 |
Chloral hydrate | 524.2m |
Cyanogen chloride (CNCl) | 524.2m |
Epichlorohydrin | 8260B (GC-MS) / 8021B (GC-ELCD) |
Haloacetic Acids (HAA5 / HAA6) | 552.1 |
Taste & Odor Compounds: Geosmin & MIB (RL = 5ppt) | 525.2m |
Trihalomethames, Total (TTHM4) | 502.2, 524.2 |
Ionic Analytes | EPA Methods |
Bromide, Bromate, Chlorate, Chlorite | 300.1 |
Fluoride, Orthophosphate | 300.0 / 300.1 |
Inorganic Analytes | EPA / SM Methods |
Alkalinity | SM2320 B |
Ammonia | 350.1 / SM4500NH3 G |
Ca, Mg, Na, Cu, Pb, SiO2 | 200.7 / 200.8 / 200.9 |
Chlorine (Residual, Free / Cl2, Chloramines, ClO2) | 330.2 / SM4500 Cl DE |
Conductivity | SM2510 B |
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) | SM5310 B / 415.3 |
Hardness | 200.7, SM2310 B |
pH | 150.1 / SM4500H+ B |
Specific UV Absorbance (SUVA) | SM5310 B, SM5910 B |
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) | SM5310 B / 415.3 |
Turbidity | 180.1 / SM2130 B |
UV254 | SM5910 B |
Bacteriological Analytes | EPA / SM / Vendor Methods |
Total Coliform, E Coli (± / Enumeration) | SM9223 B |
Heterotrophic Bacteria (Enumeration) | IDEXX Sim Plate |
Environmental WET Chemistry Tests Methods Available From MAI | |
Analytes | EPA Method Or Alternative |
Acidity | 305.1, SM2310 B |
AGPmax, AGP, Acid Generating Potential | 600/2-78-054 |
ANP, Acid Neutralizing Potential | 600/2-78-054 |
Alkalinity, Total And Speciated | 310.1, SM2320 B |
Ammonia as N | 350.1, 350.3, SM4500-NH3 |
Ammonia, unionized | calc. from total ammonia, pH, temp, SM8010 F |
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD / cBOD) | 405.1, SM5210 B |
Bottom Sediments and Water (B S & W) | ASTM D 1796-97 |
Carbon, DOC, IC, POC, TC, TOC | 415.3, 9060A, SM5310 B |
Carbon Dioxide, air or free CO2,aq | 415.3, + pH + SM4500-CO2 D |
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Exchangeable / Available Cations, Metals | 9081, 9080, SSSA |
Chloride (potentiometric) | SM4500-CI-D |
Chlorine, residual, specific form (incl.. ClO2) | 330.2, SM4500-Ci- D |
Chlorophyll a & b | SM10200 H |
Chromium VI, Hexachrome | 7196A, SM3500Cr B |
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) | 410.4, SM5220 D / E |
Color, Apparent | 110.2, SM2120 B |
Conductivity, Resistivity | 120.1, 9050A, SM2510 |
Corrosivity, Hazardous Waste Classification | See RCI |
Corrosivity Towards Structural Elements | See Resistivity |
Cyanide, Total And Amenable | 335.1, 9012B, Kelada-01, 335.4, SM4500-CN-ABCEG |
Cyanide, WAD, solids | SM4500-CN-ABCE |
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) | See Carbon, DOC |
Dissolved Oxygen | 360.1, SM4500-O |
Ferrous Iron | SM3500-Fe |
Flash Point | 1010 |
Foaming Agents, Dissolved Anionic / MBAS Surfactants | 425.1, SM5540C |
Free Fatty Acids | AOAC 940.28 |
General Mineral | Alkalinity (speciated), Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Cl-, SO4-2, EC, pH, TDS |
Hardness | 200.7, SM2340B |
Hydrogen Peroxide | MAI - Colorimetric |
Ignitability | 1010 |
Inorganic Carbon | See Carbon, IC |
Karl Fischer Water | 9000 |
Langlier Index / SI / Aggressivity Index | SM2330B |
Langlier Index / SI / Aggressivity Index | SM2330B |
Moisture | ASTM D2216-92 |
Alternate methods are available from USGS, SSSA, AOAC, ect. that are not listed here. |
Environmental WET Chemistry Tests Methods Available From MAI | |
Analytes | EPA Method Or Alternative |
Nitrogen, Ammonia | 350.1, SM4500-NH |
Nitrogen, Ammonia, unionized | calc. from ammonia, total & pH |
Nitrogen, Nitrate + Nitrite | 353.2, SM4500-NO3-F |
Nitrogen, Organic | 351.2, 350.1, 4500-NH3 |
Nitrogen, TKN | 351.2 |
Nitrogen, Total | 415.3 by Combustion |
Nitrogen, total | 351.2 + 353.2 / 300.1 (TKN + NO3- + NO2-) |
Odor | 140.1, SM2150B |
ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) | SM2580B |
Paint Filter Test | 9095B |
pH | 150.1, 9045D, SM4500H+ B |
Phenolics, Total | 420.1, 420.4 |
Phosphorous, ortho | 365.3 |
Phosphorous, Total | 365.1 |
RCI: Reactivity, Corrosivity & Ignitability | SW-846, Chapter 7 |
Salinity | 120.1, 9050A, SM2510 |
Saturated Extraction (Saturated paste or 1g : 2ml DI) | SSSA |
Silica, Reactive | SM4500-SiO2 D |
Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR, SARe) | SSSA |
Solids, Dissolved (TDS) | SM2540 C |
Solids, Fixed Dissolved (FDS) | SM2540 CE |
Solids, Settleable (SS) | SM2540 F |
Solids, Total (TS) | SM2540 B |
Solids, Suspended (TSS) | SM2540 D |
Solids, Volatile (TVS) | SM2540 E |
Specific Gravity | ASTM, MAI |
Sulfide, aqueous | 376.2, 9034, SM4500-S-2 DFI |
Sulfide, solids: acid soluble or acid insoluble | 9030B, 9034, 376.2, SM4500-S-2 D |
Sulfide, Extractable | 9030B, 9034, 376.2, SM4500-S-2 D |
Sulfite by titration | SM4500-SO3-2 B |
Sulfite By IC | 300 |
Suspended Matter | 160.5, SM2540 F |
TKN as N (Total Kjeldahal Nitrogen) | See Nitrogen, TKN |
Total Nitrogen (TN) | See Nitrogen, Total |
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) | See Carbon, TOC |
Turbidity | 180.1, SM2130 B |
UV254 | SM5910 B |
VCC (Volatile Coating Content) | ASTMD2369-03, D24 |
Alternate methods are available from USGS, SSSA, AOAC, ect. that are not listed here. |
We offer additional services, such as R&D, ORC Bench Studies as well as Preparative Clean Up. If you don't see what you are looking for, give us a call.
1534 Willow Pass Road Pittsburg, CA
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