Aquatic Toxicology BioAssay
The McCampbell Analytical Aquatic Toxicology laboratory is fully accredited by both CA ELAP and NELAP in a wide variety of freshwater and marine bioassay test methods. We offer bioassay testing services for NPDES dischargers, stormwater dischargers, hazardous waste characterization (Title 22 CFR), TIE investigations, chemical and product registration, NRDA studies as well as customized large scale research projects tailored towards the needs of our clients.
Types of Samples Tested
- Industrial effluents
- Urban and agricultural surface water
- Groundwater remediation
- Contaminated soil & sludge
- Sediments - freshwater and marine
- Environmental spill clean-up materials
- Environmental waste samples
- Medical and healthcare products
- Household cleaning products
- Commercial waste products
- New chemicals for registration
Testing Capabilities
- NPDES Whole Effluent Testing (WET)
- Hazardous Waste Characterizations
- Stormwater Runoff
- Groundwater Remediation Studies
- Irrigated Lands Regulatory Programs
- Toxicity Identification Evaluations (TIEs)
- Dredge Materials Analysis
- Freshwater Sediment Assessments
- National Resource Damage Assessments
- Product Testing
- Customized Research Studies
With over 30 years of combined experience in the field of aquatic toxicology, our staff has collaborated on the best way to streamline the process of aquatic toxicity testing and developed a product which allows us to eliminate the amount of staff time spent on each test. This increase in overall efficiency allows us to reduce test costs and pass these savings along to our clients.