Metals Testing
We offer additional services, such as R&D, ORC Bench Studies as well as Preparative Clean Up. If you don't see what you are looking for, give a call.
- Full metals capabilities, including ICP-MS, ICP, GFAA, CVAFS and CV/Hydride AAS.
- Flexibility and chemical expertise to undertake or design special digestion procedures.
- Flexibility to set-up for new elements.
- Excellent analyte sensitivity, especially ICP-MS & CVAFS, with reporting limits at or below drinking water & effluent RLs for clean matrices.
- Hydride-ICP-MS capability has ppt sensitivity for hydride forming elements in difficult matrices such as sea water & brines.
- Ability to analyze organotin, organomercury & organolead compounds & speciate mono-tetrabutyl tin, tetramethyl & tetraethyl lead, & methyl & ethyl mercury.
- SM3500-Fe B4c ferrous iron testing; method validated by internal study
- Drinking water, fresh & marine surface & ground water, effluent, storm water run off, waste water, soils, sludge, solids, rocks, petroleum liquids, plant & animal tissue, food, wine and other matrices can be tested.
- Compounds/Target List details